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ASTRONAUT VIEWS on your desktop

Discover the best astronaut photography as wallpapers.


Only a few are fortunate enough to travel to space.
But now, you too can experience a part of it.


Have you ever dreamed of becoming an astronaut?
Are you excited by the space turism industry?
Do views of Earth from space amaze you?

If you've answered yes to any of these questions, iAstronaut app is the app for you!

iAstronaut allows you to conveniently experience the best part of being an astronaut - the views of Earth from space! It presents photos from International Space Station as daily new wallpapers on your desktop background.

Install iAstronaut application and see what astronauts are seeing!

Earth as seen from space


+ more great stuff.

Fascinating photography of Earth from space

Hand selected

Only the most fascinating photos are presented out of tens of thousands.

Pixel perfect size for your custom screen

Custom screen fit

Wallpapers fit pixel perfectly to your custom screen, no more distortions.

Supporting HD, full HD, 4K and 8K screens

Highest quality

Best photo quality, supporting 1920 x 1080, HD, full HD, 4K and 8K screens.

Choose time and frequency of background change

Custom schedule

Choose time and frequency of automatic background image changes.

Favorite images you like the most


Favorite wallpapers you like the most and use them again later.

Photo data - title and description

Image data

Title and description data allow you to learn more about the photo.

Gift desktop images

Gift wallpapers

Gift wallpapers to friends who enjoy the views of Earth from space.

Discover new astronaut photography every day

Daily new

Discover new, fascinating astronaut photography every day.

iAstronaut application window screenshot

iAstronaut app window screenshot - discovering views of Earth as wallpapers becomes easy and fun.

Download and install iAstronaut application.
Explore Earth from
space as wallpapers.

Astronauts about
the views of Earth.

Many astronauts report that the views of planet from high above change their perception of Earth and humanity. By replicating finest views as wallpapers, iAstronaut will change how you see the world.

Jessica Meir - Soyuz mission, NASA astronaut

"I wish that every human could experience that view."

Jessica Meir, NASA Astronaut

Michael Alegria - Space Shuttle and International Space Station astronaut

"The most amazing part of it was seeing our planet from space."

Michael Lopez-Alegria, ISS Astronaut

"It was like drinking from a fire hose of information. My life has changed because of my space experience."

Richard Garriott, Space turist and explorer

Richard Garriott - Space turist and explorer
Ron Garan - STS and Soyuz NASA astronaut

"It just takes your breath away and you just cannot take your eyes off the Earth. It just is so beautiful."

Ron Garan, ISS Astronaut

Edward Gibson - NASA Skylab astronaut

"You see how diminutive your life and concerns are compared to other things In the universe… It allows you to have inner peace."

Edward Gibson, NASA Astronaut

Allan Shepard - Mercury, Apollo mission NASA Moonwalker

"When I first looked back at the Earth, standing on the Moon, I cried."

Allan Shepard, 1st American in space & Moonwalker

View from International Space Station cupola module.

Private spaceflight companies will take you to space for $250.000

iAstronaut recreates a part of the experience.
About 10.000 times cheaper.
Available to everyone.


The Overview Effect

Refers to the experience of seeing firsthand the reality that the Earth is in space, a tiny, fragile ball of life, "hanging in the void", shielded and noursished by a paper-thin atmosphere.

It often transforms astronauts perspective on the planet and humanity's place in the universe.

Some common aspects of it are a feeling of awe for the planet, a profound understanding of the interconnection of all life, and a renewed sense of responsibilitiy for taking care of the environment.

 Frank White. The Overview Effect: Space exploration and human evolution. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2014.

Overview Effect from International Space Station